About Us
For The Love Of WOOFERS, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the ethical treatment of abused, neglected or abandoned dogs. We are dedicated to improving the lives of dogs affected by tragic circumstances. We focus on finding good loving homes where they can provide companionship and receive the care and attention they deserve. We assist with facilitating their transition by working with animal care professionals to meet the individual needs of each rescued dog. Many animals require substantial funds in order to properly care for them. Contributions and donations are desperately needed and appreciated. We can’t succeed alone and need the generous assistance of community members like you through the purchase of merchandise (coming soon) or direct PayPal / Venmo donations to really make a significant impact.
Thank you for compassion and support!
(Please note that payment through these sites may have service fees)
Our Founders
Doug and Linda Hamm